Monday, June 7, 2010

The definition of success...

Well, I have already broken my promise to myself to write every day. Can you believe it? My summer vacation has turned out, so far, to be busier than my last semester of college!

My most recent inner struggle is this: how does one find a way to feel good about spending lots and lots of money on a degree that appears to be useless in the current job market? I am in a position where I must find a job - any job - immediately, without delay, and I am sickened to think that I will probably be applying first to jobs that don't even require a high school diploma. Oh well, right? It's just money. Try to enjoy your life. That's what I tell myself, anyway.

I truly believe things happen for a reason. Maybe fate is forcing me to find a "stupid day job" now so that I will feel boxed in, and thus, find a creative way to be free. And to sing.