Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello from the other side!

There have always been times in my life when I feel I'm not equipped to overcome the challenges I face, but I continue to prove myself wrong. In the ten or so days since my last post, I feel I have transformed myself by reaching out to others. It seems I am constantly learning this lesson: that keeping my feelings and fears inside doesn't solve anything, and that communicating openly can only help the situation at hand. A visit from a college friend only reminded me of how much I missed the safety and comfort of my college life, when I was surrounded by music majors who all shared my dreams. My job search dragged on, and I thought things couldn't get much worse. Then, a coworker at my temp job told me the office building she worked in during the day burned to the ground just hours before our shift that night! It's strange that no matter how bad things seem, we are always better off than we think we are.

For whatever reason, things have been getting better ever since that night. I have started to open my eyes to the world around me, and it looks like everyone is doing their best to get along, despite the circumstances. There are numerous challenges to face every day, and we have to be willing to look them in the eye if we want to go places. I finally contacted a local guitar teacher and had my first lesson. He informed me that there are lots of venues to perform in my area, which is wonderful and terrifying! It means if I dedicate myself to learning what I want to learn, I could be out there with the rest of them, living my dream of being a singer/songwriter. I'm also hoping to audition for a local theatre choir that performs works from a variety of musical genres. Things are falling into place, but it takes time, and I'm still learning how to be patient.